"We have the Beyond Guardian air cleaner for both levels of our house, and the Lux Guardian Angel in our bedroom. Since we put these air purifiers to work, we have definitely notice how dust free the furniture and base boards are in our house. In fact, when our daughter was visiting she shook out a throw blanket and commented on how little dust she saw in the sunlight. I'm very happy we invested in these. I have dust and pollen allergies, and I don't have time to dust. I'm looking forward to getting a dog now."
Jenny G
"My wife Anura has had terrible allergies for years - particularly with dust mites. It was so severe that we even tried pulling up all our carpet and installing wood floors...but even that didn't solve her issues entirely.
When I heard about the Beyond Guardian Air, I was open to try it - and I've been blown away by what a huge difference it's made. Within 48 hours, there was a startling, noticeable difference in our home. I am so impressed with what this technology can do, and has done, for people who suffer from airborne allergens.
My wife rarely even mentions her allergies now - that's how much our lives have changed because of the ActivePure Technology in these units. The overall dust in our home has also significantly decreased, and we just couldn't be happier with the results."
Eric V
Jay is so knowledgeable, had the home system in a house we bought and it's been awesome! So powerful and love all the attachments, not harmful to the carpet. He was super available and prompt when we needed help - love learning about alternative house cleaning products as well. Highly recommend.
Jay was so knowledgeable and wonderful! I would recommend him and his products to anyone! And I will!
Heather Cullimore
Very good products. We have the laundry pro, soft water system, reverse osmosis water purifier, and air purifiers. Great service. Jay is very knowledgeable and great to work with. He is very professional.
Rick Nelson
Great service and support. We've used our Aerus air purifiers for years, and they work perfectly.
William Benz
I bought the Aerus Hepa Filters for my home and I can breathe again!!! I have asthma and was on 2 strong medications twice a day. I was able to quit one medication and cut the other dose in half to only once a day! The money saved on prescriptions will more than pay for my hepa filter purchase. I would recommend these hepa filters to anyone with breathing issues or to prevent getting health problems from our dirty SLC air. It literaly cleans all the air inside your house so you are breathing clean air, which reverses the inflamation in your airways and gets your asthma under control! Super unbelievable health difference for me!!